ART WORKSHOPS: It’s all about them…
Across recent years I have gained huge satisfaction running art workshops. I don’t position myself as a teacher, I am a facilitator, a getter-of-things going.
Usually these sessions are often successful small groups. There were drop in sessions in the Beaconsfield Library from 2017- 19. During lockdown, I hosted a series of virtual sessions on Zoom with school children in north London organised by my good friend Jo Bergdahl.
This summer I was running a workshop as part a local church holiday club week. All ages, we were drawing, then painting and taking their results and creating greetings card. The vicar still boast about his result, having not drawn or painted since school.
AND THAT’S THE THING! It is about creating a place; a set-up and I bring some materials for people to grab and get to it.
THEY JUST WANT TO GET ON WITH IT Often the prelude is ‘Hey, Tim, bring some of your work/sketch books and inspire people.
The reality is that people are only momentarily interested in what I do, they want to get going for themselves!
<Hint> Yeah, OK, step aside Tim and let’s get going!
Case in point a couple was when friend and gallery owner Christina Dreher emailed:
Hi Tim,
I just had a thought…it’s just an idea – absolutely no pressure but…
I am bringing my class of 12-14 year olds – all 18 of them to St. Sampson’s Church on Wednesday morning, to spend some time drawing. We’re just starting an architecture project which will go from drawings into prints.
I just wondered if you would be willing to come and meet us at St. Sampson’s and show them your sketchbooks and drawings of St. Sampson’s and other local churches? It would be great for them to see a ‘real’ artist’s work, of the very same building they are going to draw…I’m sure it would be inspiring for them, lots of them are very keen students!
But – if it’s just not your thing, that’s really fine – as I say no pressure!!
See you soon,
So I got to the church early, propped up some sketch books and other work. Started doing some drawing (just as well, so I had a demo piece to show how some materials work).
They turned up and gave me a whole five minutes of their attention. And then it was ninety minutes of drawing. I showed them some materials I’d bought and different drawing techniques. They loved it and began experimenting! Results? Great. Apparently several of the group demanded to work further on their sketchbooks, later that day in free periods. Some of the group used colour, non-representationally, some of them are on an art journey light years ahead of me.
Category: Workshops & Events